Tuesday, 29 May 2012

The dust settles

Cheers to all who attended the Devonian metal assault on Sunday night to witness the pummeling of poseurs at the Legion. Frappacinos were dashed to the floor, ironic t-shirts were torn asunder, and flippy emo haircuts were noogied into submission. Thanks to Fuzzkick for starting the evening off with a twang, and to Rude Geeks to bringing in a blast of needed energy to the gig. Mega thanks to Mongol for inspiring the kids to play leap-frog on the floor and for renting the hall. Special thanks to Tyson and Dilan for running sound and recording everyone's sets that evening. Super Special Thanks to all the Devonians and people from Edmonton that showed up and had their faces rocked. Below are some shitty pictures I found on my camera after the show. If anyone has any photographs or video, please forward them to us at gatekeeper(at)live(dot)ca

Over and Out.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Shadow over Devon - details

For those wishing to travel in for this gig, it is being held in Devon, Alberta. Devon is about 15-20 minutes South-West of Edmonton, very easy to find. This show will be ALL AGES so bring your young, impressionable children so that we may brainwash them into following our heavy metal hymns until their dying steps. First band starts at 7:00pm, Gatekeeper will likely play at 9:00pm. Sunday evening early show.

Come get your skull crushed. Accept no substitutes.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

A Shadow Over Devon

Gatekeeper will take to the stage for the first time ever to perform a short set on Sunday, May 27th at the Devon Legion Hall. The event is connected with the "Devon Days" festival, and will be all-ages. More details on set times and other bands to follow. Don't miss this Devonian heavy metal assault, it will be historical.
